Saturday, December 16, 2017

'How the Beatles took America\'s Hearts '

'It is in a flash 6:30 A.M. Beatle snip. The left field capital of the unify Kingdom 30 proceedings ago. Theyre extinct over the Atlantic Ocean heading for New York. The temperature is 32 Beatle Degrees(Szatmary 113). The transistor piano tuner reported either few legal proceeding on the break of solar day of Friday, February 7, 1964. It was a day that would mark a musical milepost sending shockwaves through the United States. The skitter landed, the Beatles stepped out, and for the first time Americans caught a glance of these young men with their long pilus and their mod load suits. The Beatles had landed, Elvis had left the building, and for the first time, Americans were include a British band as the standard. Rather than sourceing the Beatles and their promoters for their mastery, credit should be disposed(p) to Americans alone. America created its own need for The Beatles, undercoat the farming for a fun and angelic act in a time of bereavement and me lancholy. They were the even out act, at the swell(p) time, with a reinforced in audience.\n\n concord to author Nicholas Schaffner, the more or less widely reliable explanation for the succeeder of The Beatles draws a fit between the blackwash of President canful F. Kennedy in November of 1963 and the material bodys arriver in February of 1964. after(prenominal) the assassination of the President, the rural found itself in a latterly state of mourning and melancholy was rampant. In a country that seemed so bombproof to harm, everything was lost in a exclusive moment. By January, the American people asked so urgently to hear something happy, to scratch some sort of diversion from the ghoulish tragedy that had agitate their lives. America involve a tonic, usher in The Beatles (Schaffner 32).\n\nThe examples of Beatlemania are well known, screaming girls demand for a touch, a smile, a wave. adept as in England the previous year, Beatlemania brush across the Un ited States (Schaffner 31). The initial reasons for their success have been overlooked, oftentimes mistaken for allegory and theories that hold no validity. This is surprising presumption the unexpected personality of any British success in American music. antecedent Carol Bedford sites still a few isolated incidents much(prenominal) as Lonnie Donegan, Acker Bilk, Laurie capital of the United Kingdom and Haley Mills, that were able to circularise the American charts (Bedford). thither had never been...If you want to get a full essay, ordering it on our website:

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